Calvary Baptist accepts the Bible as the final authority. We believe it truly is God’s Word to us and we do our best to interpret it accurately and follow it faithfully. Because of this foundation, everything we believe and teach comes from the Bible.
We believe God is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and loves every person. He is the creator of the world and the One who gives purpose to our lives. The Bible reveals He is one in essence, yet manifests Himself in three persons - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - each is fully God and in no way lesser than the other.
We believe that God created heaven as a perfect place to spend eternity with humanity, but humanity sinned against God by rebelling against His laws. Because of this sin, we can never be good enough to deserve a relationship with God or spend eternity in heaven. However, God loved us so much He chose to send Jesus to earth to die and suffer the punishment for our sin. Now anyone who accepts Jesus' gift of salvation can have their lives renewed spiritually and will one day go to heaven.